21 October 2011

Lord Shades & Gunnar

Open your mind, your ears and see if you can guess when you hear Gunnar's voice on this track:

The Dark Fleet by Lord Shades

For those who have never heard of this project, let me sum it up shortly.
Alex, the world famous PHP coder, founder, leader, bass player and howler of Lord Shades was my superior during one year.

Since we both like Scandinavian extreme music and since he appreciated Gunnar's voice a lot, he invited him to be one of the numerous guests on The rise of Meldral-Nok.

And of course, the Swedish former Tenor (who according to me sounds more like a baryton now) accepted. :-)
What do you think of this?

(Photo CD-cover copied from: http://www.metalfrance.net/var/metalfrance/storage/images/media/images/the-rise-of-meldral-nok/265027-1-fre-FR/the-rise-of-meldral-nok_large.jpg)

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